Gotta get into a routine of doing this… & that. Trouble being, this one (trying to not use the first-person pronoun, which is kind of hard to do in a blog, which is kind of about me by definition. I hate that; all of social media is “Lookit Me! Lookit Me! Lookit Me!”, it’s so assholeish, & that’s what people like, seeing what an asshole somebody else is, I guess so they can then feel superior) hates routine, doesn’t want to be a drone, conditionally responding to the proper stimuli in order to be properly, productively productive, i.e. a good little cog in the capitalist machinery, doing something that makes money so that one can pay somebody for the privilege of continuing to exist on this piece of real estate. So I (shit) try to do all the proper stuff to be aligned, energized, motivated & shit, as in: get plenty of sleep, do some stretches, do some kind of aerobic workout; walk or ride a bike for an hour or so, meditate…