I’ve been very slow with this thing, & I’m not getting any faster. I have to do all these commissions & stuff that will sell just to stay alive. We apologize for any inconvenience you have suffered from the paucity of updates on this so-called web comic. I still seem to be mostly analog. This will continue, but better not hold your breath.
For 3 years, it hasn’t happened. 2019 was the last time we were here. Now it’s called Phoenix Fan Fusion, it’s not a comic con any more; nobody gets to be a comic con except San Diego International Comic Con(TM). We didn’t get our usual spot, out in the general population, we got herded off with the other comics people back to the north forty, crammed in behind 6 foot tables with barricades at the ends of the row to restrict our going & coming. No more 6 foot social distancing, that was great, in Tampa & El Paso. That stuff in the back to my right is Jimmy’s, the guy right next to us.
A lot of folks there, after three years of no not-comic-con, it like built up pressure or something. So out of those tens of thousands of people, we got maybe a dozen Cherry fans, I mean that was nice, they were devoted fans, genuinely happy to see me & shit, but I’m not so sure if this is all that cost-effective, as they like to say.
Here’s a thing I did for a guy there. He said a “Hellish background” & I guess I got a little carried away.
This sketchcover was laying flat on our table there ’cause we were trying to sell it. This woman comes up with a book box out of which she pulls a stack of Cherry comics; her collection that she wanted me to sign them all, which I did. As I’m giving them back to her she piles them neatly on the flat spot on our table which is occupied by that sketchcover, so of course she scoops them all up and stuffs them into her buckled leather book case, she has some trouble getting them to slide in, it’s tight, being as how there’s an extra book in there on the bottom. As she’s leaving, she says “I want to get a sketch, but I don’t have any money, maybe later.” So she’s got her books all signed so she can leave them in that case & never ever pull them out again to look at them & discover the sketch that she got for free. We didn’t get her name or anything, couldn’t find her in the crowd… oh well.
Whoa. Larry Welz’s first color comic. What it is is a reprint of Cherry #3, which was done in 1986, which was a very good year, & we colored it all in this time. There’s actually some pretty good shit in this one, movie parodies Saturday the 8th, Part 5; Rambone, Second Blood, Part 3; Oklahoma Smith & the Lost Temple of the Doomed Raiders & some other fun shit, even some senseless violence! Oh, look, she’s wearing one of Sharon’s Lacey Teez. Welz was lampooning Consumerist Capitalism before it was even hip!
Golden Apple Comics has done some of them with variant covers, featuring some really sweet art by Rose Besch.
It was a 5,383 mile road trip from here to New Jersey & Boston & beyond. In a 2007 Buick Lucerne full size luxury sedan. We did: Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, & back again.
We did breakfast in St. Louis in the arts district thereof.
We got into New Jersey the night before the con, so we went into Manhattan for a drink.
Which involved going through the Lincoln Tunnel.
We did the Pow!Con in Wayne, New Jersey; 2 days in the gym of the Police Athletic League. It rained pretty much the whole time.
The dynamic Felicia Davis did Ellie Dee nicely.
Felicia is an artist herself; she does art photography underwater & in abandoned decaying buildings. She’s lucky9one on Instagram.