Earth Day
Earth Day MMXX Took a walk in the feet of the Sandias for about a mile. Enjoying the planet while it’s still habitable.
Earth Day MMXX Took a walk in the feet of the Sandias for about a mile. Enjoying the planet while it’s still habitable.
Got 2 mandalas, a couple of goauche paintings, 2 or 3 good topical cartoon ideas all in various stages of incompletion; not multi-tasking, more like full spectrum procrastination or something. Attention span is down to about 42 seconds.
Cherrypocalypse, Chapter 2, page 2 Any resemblance to actual events is, well, it’s gone now, things are stranger now than I can imagine, don’t know if any of this will help anything, but maybe it will lift some spirits. Cherry[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
This is really hard; trying to write a comic about the horror of living in a world where That Piece of Shit is occupying the White House, as the real-life horror unfolds before our eyes.By the time I get this[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Another sketchcover one-off. What will the girls do to destroy the Piece Of Shit In The White House with love?
Cherry’s doing some serious research, collecting data on things that go into your body & the effects thereof. You’re gonna love it.
Cherry gives her TED talk. This is another sketchcover variant Cherry #23.